Article 2314

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Korbat Philipp Evgenievich, Postgraduate student, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (48 Reki Moiki embankment, Saint-Petersburg, Russia),

Index UDK



Background. Advanced technological changes in the field of information technology during the past three decades have contributed to political processes in the majority of societies. The dynamics of events that change the format of relations between citizens and governments is in particular reflected in the Western societies, where due to the Internet and information and communication technologies independent groups of the society without any traditional democratic mechanisms can have influence, which affects the system. The research is aimed at analysis of changes and trends in the information revolution in the democratic system based on the latest theoretical developments in this area.
Materials and methods. Implementation of the research tasks was achieved through the use of instruments of the European Commission, the European Council, and a number of institutions and forums that influence information space within their competencies. In the study the author analyzed importance of the “information revolution” for development of the democratic participation policy by highlighting the main advantages and disadvantages. The study is based on a systematic analysis of structural, functional and comparative methods.
Results. The researcher examined a political and social impact of the information revolution in the format of cooperation between the government and citizens in several Western states and intergovernmental organizations; and scrutinized the features of the “electronic government” in Scotland, the Baltic States and the European Union since the 2000s.
Conclusions. On the basis of the study of the ICT’s impact on political systems one draws a conclusion that in recent years, with the help of new information technologies the citizens have become more politicized and started actively participating in the process of interaction with state institutions through modern information systems. However, in the future, ICT can have a negative impact on traditional democratic mechanisms of participation, or, moreover, a new gap between citizens with and without ICT, which diffusely affects society.

Key words

information revolution, democracy, information and communication technologies.

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Дата создания: 09.02.2015 13:45
Дата обновления: 09.02.2015 14:26